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John Sakamoto BAR
John sakamoto酒吧以日式和爵士元素合併為設計主軸,空間內沒有花俏的裝飾,只有細緻簡約的抿石子及石頭漆及水泥粉光相互呼應。從一定的意義來說,材質是酒吧的表情。在空間中我們以抿石子、石頭漆、水泥粉光做搭配,三種粗曠卻又獨特的自然紋理,在空間中交互搭配,創造獨一質感。
John sakamoto Bar is designed with Japanese and jazz elements as its main design. There are no fancy decorations in the space, only pebbles, stone paint and cement powder echo each other. In a certain sense, the material is the expression of the bar. In the space, we use pebble, stone lacquer and cement powder to make a match, three kinds of rough and unique natural beauty, mutual collocation in the space, to create a sense of beauty.
Taiwan, Taipei City

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